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Principles of Love


Family Constellation Work reveals hidden family patterns that may be holding us back in life. We are bound to our family systems by a deep need to belong; a child will do anything for the love of a parent. The bond to our parents and to our family system begins even before birth, we are born into a family that goes back generations. Often these unconscious patterns holds us back and prevents us from choosing what fulfills us in life and from moving forward and living a life we love. In this group we will look deeper into the three principles of love - belonging, balance and order and to the hidden patterns of the family. Each principle will be explained and experienced and the participants of the group will have the opportunity to look deeper into their own family structure. To move consciously through life has tremendous value and doing this allows us to access an amazing strength and a deep relaxation.

Praful shares his love of serving the inner potential and the spiritual growth of human beings with passion, joy and commitment.

In his sharings all around the world, he creatively integrates his life experiences as friend, husband, father, traveller and meditator, with multiple approaches for self discovery. He is trained in Life Coaching, Counseling, Trauma Healing (Somatic Experiencing®), Family and Systemic Constellations with Bert Hellinger, Primal Work, Breath Therapy, NLP, Bioenergetic, BodyWork and Meditation. He is also a registered SIAF in Italy and a certified Trainer Holistic Counsellor. 


13.900 SEK including VAT 1.951 SEK


OCT 7 Tue 8:00pm -
OCT 12 Sun 2:00pm 2025
With Praful

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